Published by Salawi
on Saturday, September 12, 2009 at 9/12/2009 06:57:00 pm.

In all the videos you never just saw me ... You saw Scottie Pippen ... Every championship I won.
Tex told me there is no I in TEAM ... I said to him there is I in WIN. I'll do anything to win.
Don't try to put the organization above the players, because at the end of the day the players gota get out there and perform.
For someone like me, you look for any kind of messages that people may say or do to get you motivated to play the game of basketball at the highest level, because that is when I feel I excel at my best.
The game of basketball has been everything to me, my refuge ... the place that I have gone and needed to find comfort and peace.
I hope that basketball has given the millions of people that I have touched the optimism and desire to achieve their goals through hard work, perseverance and positive attitude.
One day you might look up and see me playing the game at 50 ... oh don't laugh ... Never say never.
Limits like fears are often just an illusion.
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