Pool Domination
0 Comments Published by Salawi on Saturday, August 21, 2010 at 8/21/2010 03:36:00 pm.The Legendary Shot
1 Comments Published by Salawi on Thursday, August 19, 2010 at 8/19/2010 02:27:00 pm.Many nice shots ... from the The Legendary Shot channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/DcuStudios2
Many basketball players here ... and the "Decision" is the main thing.
Best of 2009 - 2010 Season
2 Comments Published by Salawi on Saturday, July 17, 2010 at 7/17/2010 03:48:00 pm.Players in Video (In order of appearance):
Ahmed Najaf.
Bader Abdulla - Lamond Murray.
Ahmed Ali Hussain - Sayed Hashim.
Bader Abdulla.
Moahmed Nabeel - Calvin Warner.
Ahmed Aziz.
Maytham Jameel - Ahmed Aziz.
Ahmed Ali - Ahmed Hassan.
Mohamed Nabeel.
Ayoob Haji - Sarhan.
Ahmed Malalah - Mims O'Neal.
Maytham Jameel - Ahmed Aziz.
Younes Idrissi - Lemond Murray.
Mims O'Neal - Ebraheen Al Khabas.
Hassan Nawrooz.
Johnny Taylor.
Moahmed Nabeel.
Ahmed Ali Hussain - Mims O'Neal.
Maytham Jameel - Johnny Taylor.
Hassan Nawrooz - Calvin Warner.
A. Hameed Ebraheem.
Pat Stewart.
Walter Carvalho.
Ahmed Hassan - Salem Mohamed.
Maytham Jameel.
Mahmood Ghuloom (Mash).
Interview with Jarred Merrill
2 Comments Published by Salawi on Friday, July 16, 2010 at 7/16/2010 03:57:00 am.
We had this interview with Manama's former pro. player Jarred Merrill.
Date of Birth: 12-5-1981
Height: 6' 9"
Weight: 230 lbs
Salawi: How was your experience playing in Bahrain?
Jarred: It was a very good experience. I was surprised how nice the country looked. Bahrain is like a small dubai. There were many things to do in the city. Plenty of good food and lots of great people, I truly relished my time in Bahrain
Salawi: What is the most thing you miss about Bahrain?
Jarred: By far and without a doubt I miss the fans. Ive been to many places in my pro career and none come close to the love and passion these fans have for the game of basketball.
Salawi: Manama has a very tough season the year you played (1 year ago), you lost the semi finals against Muharraq after leading one game, how did that happen?
Jarred: It was like a movie, I can still remember the game minute for minute in my head. Game 3 we came out and jumped all over muhharraq and we were up 14pts to start the 4th quarter. As the 3rd quarter ended and we went into the huddle to begin the 4th everyone on the team relaxed, including myself, and muharraq spear-headed by mohhamed hassan(who gave us problems all year) led the come back. That was a sad day for me, i felt like a failure although i had 30+ points in that game.
Salawi: How was your relationship with Manama's coach, players and fans?
Jarred: Wow, Coach Salman is the most dedicated coach I have been around. He had a passion and intensity that all coaches should have, but at the same time he was the most caring man you could be around. I loved all my teamates and vice versa. The fans were the best you could ask for...I still keep in touch with all the fans on facebook. I have many pictures and memories with those guys.
Salawi:It seems you enjoy yourself a lot when you play; you dance, interact with the fans and talk to your opponents, can you please tell us more about that?
Jarred: I try to play hard and have fun. The fans come to watch hard play and see they're team win...its good to make them laugh and enjoy themselves. Fans always ask me about the dance...people love that lol...It just comes out when things are going good for me on the court.
Salawi: Which Bahraini players impressed you the most ?
Jarred: Mash, is a really great shooter and a good scorer. Mohhamed Hassan is another guy who when he gets hot on the court he wont miss...i used to talk alot of trash to him but i have alot of respect for his game. I like Hussain Shaker too...he likes to talk trash to me but he backs it up. He knows how to control the game and he makes big shots.
Salawi: Who defended you the best in Bahrain?
Jarred: hmmm, thats a good question. I had a good season in scoring that year. If i had to say who guarded me the best id say Omran my teamate in Manama. He guarded me everyday in practice. He has a big heart and plays hard.
Salawi: What was your biggest challenge playing in Bahrain?
Jarred: Trying to win a championship with a team with such a great history of winning. Manama is the Boston Celtics of Bahrain. It looks like Al Ahli is the Lakers. Back to Back is VERY HARD!!!!!
Salawi: Where did you play last year and what are your future plans?
Jarred: I played in Argentina for Atenas before I had a small injury then i went to Al Gezira of Egypt....we finished in 2nd place this year...from 5th they year before. My options are open rite now....there have been a few offers but i want to wait for another month or so... I want to play where I can win and play for a championship....
We thank Jarred for this interview, wish him all the best, and hopefully we'll see him play in Bahrain soon.
Date of Birth: 12-5-1981
Height: 6' 9"
Weight: 230 lbs
Salawi: How was your experience playing in Bahrain?
Jarred: It was a very good experience. I was surprised how nice the country looked. Bahrain is like a small dubai. There were many things to do in the city. Plenty of good food and lots of great people, I truly relished my time in Bahrain
Salawi: What is the most thing you miss about Bahrain?
Jarred: By far and without a doubt I miss the fans. Ive been to many places in my pro career and none come close to the love and passion these fans have for the game of basketball.
Salawi: Manama has a very tough season the year you played (1 year ago), you lost the semi finals against Muharraq after leading one game, how did that happen?
Jarred: It was like a movie, I can still remember the game minute for minute in my head. Game 3 we came out and jumped all over muhharraq and we were up 14pts to start the 4th quarter. As the 3rd quarter ended and we went into the huddle to begin the 4th everyone on the team relaxed, including myself, and muharraq spear-headed by mohhamed hassan(who gave us problems all year) led the come back. That was a sad day for me, i felt like a failure although i had 30+ points in that game.
Salawi: How was your relationship with Manama's coach, players and fans?
Jarred: Wow, Coach Salman is the most dedicated coach I have been around. He had a passion and intensity that all coaches should have, but at the same time he was the most caring man you could be around. I loved all my teamates and vice versa. The fans were the best you could ask for...I still keep in touch with all the fans on facebook. I have many pictures and memories with those guys.
Salawi:It seems you enjoy yourself a lot when you play; you dance, interact with the fans and talk to your opponents, can you please tell us more about that?
Jarred: I try to play hard and have fun. The fans come to watch hard play and see they're team win...its good to make them laugh and enjoy themselves. Fans always ask me about the dance...people love that lol...It just comes out when things are going good for me on the court.
Salawi: Which Bahraini players impressed you the most ?
Jarred: Mash, is a really great shooter and a good scorer. Mohhamed Hassan is another guy who when he gets hot on the court he wont miss...i used to talk alot of trash to him but i have alot of respect for his game. I like Hussain Shaker too...he likes to talk trash to me but he backs it up. He knows how to control the game and he makes big shots.
Salawi: Who defended you the best in Bahrain?
Jarred: hmmm, thats a good question. I had a good season in scoring that year. If i had to say who guarded me the best id say Omran my teamate in Manama. He guarded me everyday in practice. He has a big heart and plays hard.
Salawi: What was your biggest challenge playing in Bahrain?
Jarred: Trying to win a championship with a team with such a great history of winning. Manama is the Boston Celtics of Bahrain. It looks like Al Ahli is the Lakers. Back to Back is VERY HARD!!!!!
Salawi: Where did you play last year and what are your future plans?
Jarred: I played in Argentina for Atenas before I had a small injury then i went to Al Gezira of Egypt....we finished in 2nd place this year...from 5th they year before. My options are open rite now....there have been a few offers but i want to wait for another month or so... I want to play where I can win and play for a championship....
We thank Jarred for this interview, wish him all the best, and hopefully we'll see him play in Bahrain soon.
ترقبو قريبا تحليل للدوري
0 Comments Published by Salawi on Wednesday, June 09, 2010 at 6/09/2010 01:44:00 am.سيرك مقاعد البدلاء
1 Comments Published by Salawi on Saturday, April 17, 2010 at 4/17/2010 11:28:00 am.
مقال رائع من الأيام الرياضي الذي يلقي الضوء على المدربين الذين يلقون كل اللوم علي الحكام بسبب أداء افرقتهم الهابط
أخويي جعفرو ويش صاير في المدرب المساعد إللي مفل رفيقنه أبو الرمل لما فريقه خسر بفرق 29 نقطة في السلة قام بمثل كل مره يحط حرة الخسارة في الحكم كركدوش باباي السلة وحمله مسؤولية الخسارة.. جيفه
يقول هادا الكلام ؟ أكيد مافي عاقل بيصدقه والفرق 29 نقطة !!
شوف ولد خالتي فاضلوه المدرب الزين والشجاع يدور على أسباب الخسارة لأن النتيجة واجد فقليه ومايصير
الحكم هو السبب.. وهادا إللي صاير مفل أبو الرمل هو يعرف زين جيفه خسر فريقه لكن ماعنده الجرأة يقول الصدق ومن جدي خله السالفه على الحكم كركدوش.. وبعد ولد خالتي هادا كركدوش ما يخلي مساعد المدرب يخرج عن القانون في المباريات ويحول كرسي الاحتياط إلى سيرك كل واحد يقوم على كيفه مفل بقية الحكام يخلونه! و كركدوش مايخليه يتنفس حسب القانون..
ومن جدي الرجال يبا يطلع حرته في الجرايد لكن ما في واحد يصدق كلامه لأن النتيجة واجد كبيرة 29 نقطة ولد خالتي!!.. جان هو يصدق كلامه هادي مشكلته هو
[ الأيام الرياضي - كارت اصفر - العدد 7677 السبت 17 أبريل 2010]
طبعا المقصود من المقال هو مساعد مدرب نادي المحرق الذي خسر فريقه من الأهلي بفارق 29 نقطة في مباراة السداسي
Utah State doesn't have a whole lot going for it right now. Sure, it made the NCAA Tournament, but they were only the second-best Aggie team in their region.
Is that not a score board?
Yes that is a score board!
Is that not a 74?
Yes that is a 74!
Is that not a 62?
Yes that is a 62!
Is that not the winning team?
Yes that is the winning team!
Is that not the losing team?
Yes that is the losing team!
[via bustersports.com]
نظام الدوري المحير
0 Comments Published by Salawi on Saturday, April 03, 2010 at 4/03/2010 12:35:00 am.
هناك الكثير من المباريات بين الفرق الكبار و هذا يضمن متابعه المباريات المثيره بكثره هذا الموسم.
سؤال يحيرنا هنا في بحرين باسكت و الشارع السلاوي ... لماذا يصر الاتحاد على الإبتداء في بطوله قبل الانتهاء من بطوله اخرى !!!؟ بمعني آخر لماذا لا يتم الإنتهاء من بطوله الدوري و تحديد البطل ، و من ثم الإبتداء في بطولة الكأس و تحديد البطل.
بكل بساطة عندما تتوج اي فريق ببطوله ما فأنت ترسل رساله للجميع بأن هذا الفريق هو الافضل في فترة معينة، هي فترة البطولة .... مشكلة الإتحاد تكمن في المزج بين توقيت بطوله الدوري و الكأس و هو في نظرنا فاشل بمعنى الكلمة و يؤثر سلبا على تركيز اللاعب و المدرب.
فمن غير المعقول ان توضع مسابقة الكأس في وسط مسابقة الدوري، و من المضحك المبكي ان يؤجل نهائي الكاس وان تلعب الافرقة في مسابقة الدوري دون الانتهاء من مسابقة الكاس و تحديد بطله، وسيكون ظلما كبيرا لفريقي المحرق او المنامة اذا ما تعرض احد لاعبيه للاصابة او الإيقاف في بطولة الدوري قبل المشاركة في نهائي الكأس.
كل هذه الاشياء تثبت لنا مرة أخرى أن الاشخاص المتواجده في الإتحاد لاتعرف كيف تدير مسابقات كره السلة و غير متتبعة لما يدور في العالم السلاوي
Bahrain Basket Page on Facebook
0 Comments Published by Salawi on Friday, March 26, 2010 at 3/26/2010 04:23:00 am.
Please follow Bahrain Basket on Facebook for video, photo and blog updates.
Basketball players who have scored 100 points in a single game
74 Comments Published by Salawi on Monday, March 15, 2010 at 3/15/2010 12:40:00 am.
Scoring 100 points in a game is a rare accomplishment in the sport of basketball.
So how many players scored 100 points?
Well, here is a partial list of the few who have achieved the century mark at various levels of competition.
Names worth mentioning in this list:
- Dražen Petrović, then playing for Cibona Zagreb, scored 112 points (40-60 FG) against SMELT Olimpija during a Yugoslavian League Game on October 10, 1985.
- Lisa Leslie scored 101 points for Morningside HS in the first half only !!!? it was in Feb. 1990 and against South Torrance HS.
- Cheryl Miller, Riggie Miller's sister, scored 105 points for Riverside Polytechnic HS in 1982.
بدر عبداللة جاسم و ثلاثية تنهي المباراة
2 Comments Published by Salawi on Saturday, January 16, 2010 at 1/16/2010 06:31:00 pm.بدر عبداللة جاسم يثبت بأنه أبرز صفقات الموسم بعد أن سجل ثلاثية قاتلة في آخر ثواني المباراة ضد المحرق على الرغم من أن نتيجة المباراة لا تؤثر على تأهل الفريقين للدوررة السداسية ، إلا أن هذا الفوز بلا شك يعتبر فوزا معنويا للمنامة