Proof that a 7th grade girl is more proficient then the best player in the world
1 Comments Published by Salawi on Thursday, July 06, 2006 at 7/06/2006 10:38:00 pm.
After watching Shaq miss more free throws in the NBA finals, I can't help but ask: Is there another situation in sports where a seventh-grade girl can be more proficient in a key part of the sport than one of the most dominant professional players of all time?
There are literally hundreds of 12-year-old girls who can shoot free throws better than him.
That fact alone must beg the even deeper question: Can NBA basketball really be a sport, given the above-mentioned situation?"
There are literally hundreds of 12-year-old girls who can shoot free throws better than him.
That fact alone must beg the even deeper question: Can NBA basketball really be a sport, given the above-mentioned situation?"

The crazy thing about Shaq's free-throw shooting is that, fundamentally, he's always been completely wrong. Shaq shoots his free throws like line drives. Well, that makes no sense. Imagine you're trying to throw a rolled-up piece of paper into a garbage can -- instinctively, would you throw it with a Nowitzki-like arc, or would you whip it in a straight line at the can? You'd throw it with the arc. Everyone would. So why would Shaq continue to whip straight line drives at the rim for 14 consecutive years.
The reason shaq can't shoot free throws is not even his fault, his monsterous wrists and hands don't bend like normal peoples--he cant effectively flick his wrists. Nobobdy gives him enough credit.